Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to keep from being enslaved by the opinions of others (as well as your own!)

Julie Pennington-Russell, my former pastor and current pastor of FBC Decatur, GA was the keynote speaker for the Women in Ministry Conference at Truett Seminary back in March. I was saddened not to be able to attend, but Truett has posted her sermons. Her first session, "Who and Whose are You?," is a must listen for all who struggle through the highs and lows of ministry.  You can listen after the jump below. You can find her other two sessions here and here. The videos are slow to load on the Baylor site, but worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. "God is the only one who tells you the whole truth about yourself, and it is that you're a wonderful mix of the fabulous and the fallen." "Fix your eyes on your calling in Christ, it will save you from the tyranny of other's opinions as well as your own." Wow. So true and so easy to forget. What a challenge to continue to turn to Chroist for my approval and acceptance and not my role or position. Thanks for sharing this Taylor!
