Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fred Craddock Sermons

Fred Craddock passed away yesterday, March 6, 2015. I had his classic textbook, Preaching, open on my desk this week. Whenever I feel like I'm stuck in a homiletic rut, his book is one of the handful that helps me find some good traction to get moving again. His is a voice that will be missed.

Nobody could preach quite like Dr. Craddock, though many tried. Here are some sermons by Dr. Craddock from sources like Youtube and Vimeo. The first two are a couple of my favorites. If you know of others, let me know and I'll add them.

When the Roll is Called Down Here - a sermon from Romans 16

Though One Rise from the Dead from Hershael York on Vimeo.

Fred Craddock, DOC General Assembly, July 2011 from TEL PSR on Vimeo.

The God of Hope from Peachtree Christian Church on Vimeo.

The Last Temptation of the Church (Part 1)

The Last Temptation of the Church (Part 2)

The Last Temptation of the Church (Part 3)


  1. Here are two more Craddock sermons.

    On Jesus' Baptism (at Baylor) -

    "If at the altar you remember" -

  2. Thanks for these, Sam! One thing: I think that the first link should be "https" rather than "http". (At least, that's what worked for me.)
