Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gain enough!

"For preachers, preaching is a no-win situation. We can never greet opposition as sure evidence of sin without first examining our own thoroughly mixed motivations, our lack of love, and our strident self-aggrandizements; and we can never bask in praise as if we are anything more than mediators, the servants of grace. Though we can take no credit and, indeed, must accept our share of blame, there are compensations. Because we are preachers, we are afforded the gladness of exploring the gospel week after week and thus coming to know the Mystery of God through Jesus Christ. Gain enough!"

David Buttrick, Homiletic: Moves and Structures (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987), 456.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When God Rocks Your World - Will Willimon

"The gospel in just two sentences. The good news of Jesus Christ: 1) God is going to get the world that God wants. 2) No matter how much God has got to rock your world to get it." - Will Willimon

So concludes Will Willimon's sermon from Mark 13 preached two weeks ago at Duke Chapel. That text has parallels to this week's gospel reading in Luke 21. Powerful stuff. Sermon starts at the 33:35 mark and runs for nineteen minutes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Four Advent Sermons by Jim Somerville

Jim Somerville, Senior Pastor of Richmond's First Baptist Church, presents four sermons for Advent, 2012, based on the lectionary readings for Year C. The embed feature has been disabled for these videos so you'll have to make the jump.

These sermons are sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.